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Cấu trúc đề thi tiếng Anh chuyển đổi chức danh BIDV

Với độ khó hơn hẳn so với bài thi tuyển dụng, tiếng Anh được coi là bài thi lấy đi cơ hội chuyển đổi chức danh của rất nhiều nhân viên BIDV. Cùng UB Academy review lại cấu trúc đề thi tiếng Anh chuyển đổi chức danh BIDV để có hướng ôn tập tốt nhất nhé. 


Trình độ yêu cầu 

Bài thi tiếng Anh trong kỳ thi chuyển đổi chức danh BIDV khá khó. Một phần là do mức độ bài thi ở level B1+, tương đương với TOEIC 450-550. Một phần khác là do anh chị em đi làm nhiều năm, chỉ tiếp xúc với nghiệp vụ mà không tiếp xúc nhiều với tiếng Anh. Thành ra, mất đi kĩ năng ngoại ngữ của mình. Điều này khiến tiếng Anh trở thành trở ngại rất lớn trong đợt thi chuyển đổi chức danh và đánh mất cơ hội được tăng lương. 

Cấu trúc đề thi tiếng Anh

Bài thi tiếng Anh diễn ra trong 60 phút với cấu trúc như sau:

  • Ngữ pháp: 15 câu
  • Từ vựng: 15 câu
  • Đọc hiểu: 10 câu
  • Điền vào chỗ trống: 10 câu

Mỗi phần đều yêu cầu các kỹ năng và kiến thức khác nhau, rộng hơn nhiều nên đòi hỏi thí sinh phải có sự chuẩn bị kỹ lưỡng và toàn diện.

Chi tiết từng phần: 

1. Ngữ pháp (15 câu) 

Ngữ pháp gồm kiến thức nặng và yêu cầu bạn hiểu và nắm được chắc chắn. Phần này gồm các ngữ pháp về câu mệnh đề quan hệ, câu điều kiện các loại, câu chủ động bị động, các thì tiếng Anh, câu hỏi đuôi, câu trần thuật,... Có thể thấy các kiến thức ngữ pháp ở đây rất khó, không chỉ đơn thuần là các cấu trúc mẫu câu mà bạn còn cần phải hiểu được cách dùng trong đa dạng ngữ cảnh. 

2. Từ vựng (15 câu)

Nội dung từ vựng không giới hạn theo chủ đề nào nên phạm vi rất rộng. Bạn sẽ gặp các câu hỏi về danh động từ (gerunds), cụm động từ (phrasal verbs) hay cho dạng đúng của từ trong câu. Và cách duy nhất để học được từ vựng chính là đọc nhiều, ghi chép nhiều thôi. 

3. Đọc hiểu (10 câu) 

Đọc hiểu là nội dung vận dụng nâng cao từ từ vựng. Bạn cần đọc, phân tích các đoạn văn và lựa chọn các câu trả lời đúng. Nhiều khi bạn có thể suy luận được đáp án dù không hiểu toàn bộ đoạn văn. Tuy nhiên nhiều thí sinh thường bị thiếu thời gian để đọc kĩ thông tin khi không biết dùng các mẹo như skim - scan, tìm keywords chính…

4. Điền vào chỗ trống: 10 câu

10 câu hỏi điền vào chỗ trống đòi hỏi thí sinh phải hoàn thiện các đoạn văn bằng cách chọn từ hoặc cụm từ thích hợp. Phần này kết hợp cả ngữ pháp và từ vựng, thí sinh cần có khả năng hiểu ngữ cảnh và chọn từ đúng với ý nghĩa của câu.


Đề thi thử tiếng Anh chuyển đổi chức danh BIDV 

UB Academy gửi bạn đề thi thử theo đúng cấu trúc đề thi tiếng Anh chuyển đổi chức danh BIDV để các bạn thử sức nhé. 

Câu 1: I hate ________ personal questions by nearly acquainted friends.

A. to be asking

B. to be asked

C. being asking

D. of asking

Câu 2: They all passed _______ is considered an extremely difficult exam.

A. what 

B. that 

C. this 

D. which

Câu 3: Several members complained about _______.

A. being searched 

B. searching 

C. search 

D. searches

Câu 4: 

I don't think this material is the quality I want. 

I'm sorry. It's ________ we have right now.

A. the bestest

B. the better

C. the best

D. the most good

Câu 5: I told Lisa that I ________ any money.

A. didn't have

B. did have

C. don't have

D. had

Câu 6: We bought this house because it is close ________ the school.

A. with

B. to

C. in

D. at

Câu 7: 

Change the active to passive: 

Mrs. Andrews hasn't signed those papers yet.

A. Those papers haven't been signed by Mrs. Andrews yet 

B. Those papers don't have signed by Mrs. Andrews yet 

C. Those papers haven't signed by Mrs. Andrews yet 

D. Those papers don't been signed by Mrs. Andrews yet

Câu 8: Let's go for a walk, ________?

A. will you

B. shall you

C. don't we

D. shall we

Câu 9: Ms. Jones isn't as nice ________ Ms. Smith.

A. for

B. like

C. as

D. do

Câu 10: Changing the little things in an office can be a good way ______ employee productivity.

A. improved

B. to improve

C. improvement

D. for improvement

Câu 11: I gather there was ________ doubt as to who should pay the bill.

A. any

B. some

C. the

D. every

Câu 12: Somebody called my name, ________?

A. didn't they

B. didn't he

C. didn't it

D. didn't I

Câu 13: All of the legal terms in this contract are _______ my head.

A. on

B. under

C. over

D. in front of

Câu 14: First, he gave me a very interesting _______ about the car.

A. information 

B. fact 

C. news 

D. brochure

Câu 15: In the evening we're going to the Jupiter Club _______ we'll see a cabaret.

A. then 

B. where 

C. when 

D. that

Câu 16: As the fat man sat down, the deck chair _______ under him, with a loud noise of tearing canvas.

A. fell

B. fainted

C. sank

D. collapsed

Câu 17: Because the company was doing more business, it was necessary to _______ the factory.

A. extend 

B. increase 

C. broaden 

D. magnify

Câu 18: Her husband felt it would be silly to _______ the colour of the curtains before they had painted the room.

A. change 

B. find 

C. choose 

D. lose

Câu 19: The tomatoes we ate at their house were home-_______.

A. make 

B. produced 

C. done 

D. grown

Câu 20: The _______ is the physical part of the computer system.

A. mouse 

B. hardware 


D. software

Câu 21: It is of immense size. It is _______.

A. great 

B. large 

C. huge

D. big

Câu 22: When can the students ________ for next year's evening classes?

A. enroll

B. join

C. inscribe

D. subscribe

Câu 23: Around the earth there is a(n) _______.

A. sea 

B. atmosphere 

C. land 

D. envelope

Câu 24: The boys have gone on a fishing _______ with their father.

A. trip 

B. journey 

C. trek 

D. hike

Câu 25: Would you _______ my opening the windows now? 

A. want 

B. worry 

C. concern 

D. mind

Câu 26: The VAT is a _______ company with a long and successful sales history.

A. respectable 

B. respectful 

C. respecting 

D. respective

Câu 27: His stomach began to _______ because of the bad food he had eaten.

A. pain 

B. harm 

C. be hurt 

D. ache

Câu 28: The _______ charged by the lawyer for his services was unusually high.

A. fee 

B. fare 

C. debt 

D. hire

Câu 29: If your bicycle _______ comes off, it is almost impossible to put it back on without getting oil on your hands."

A. ring 

B. belt 

C. steel 

D. chain

Câu 30: When you ________, you can draw, write, compose music, or make something new.

A. make up 

B. create 

C. discover 

D. imagine

Câu 31: 

Shoppers from Hong Kong have been visiting Guangzhou for years. They go there in search of Ming antiques as there are stories told of curious beings found there. However, these are merely stories. Let stories be stories. Those tourists who are looking for a great rug of a vintage bowl may well do better in Hong Kong. Nevertheless, there are still some good buys to be found in Guangzhou such as jade carving, silk, jade and pearl jewellery. One of the main shopping areas in Zhongshan Road. Another is People's Park.

Q: It is said that Guangzhou is famous for _______.

A. its old citadel 

B. its ancient shops 

C. Ming's Dynasty 

D. antiques of Ming's Dynasty

Câu 32: 

A particularly strange incident happened on Fiona's birthday. Fiona's husband, Mark, came home from work and went into the living room. He immediately came rushing out to ask who had bought her the beautiful flowers - but nobody had given Fiona flowers and her daughters had not put the flowers there. It remained a mystery how they had miraculously appeared.

Q: What happened on Fiona's birthday?

A. Her daughters bought her flowers.

B. There was an unexplained occurrence.

C. A burglar broke into the living room.

D. Mark forgot to buy a present.

Câu 33:

What about entry via doors? Your back door and patio doors, which are easily forced open, should have top quality security locks fitted. Even though this is expensive, it will be money well spent. Install a burglar alarm if you can afford it as another line of defence against intruders.

Q: According to the writer, window locks, security locks and burglar alarms ____

A. cost a lot of money but are worth it.

B. are good value for money.

C. are luxury items.

D. are absolutely essential items.

Câu 34: 

With Robert Laurent and William Zorach, direct carving enters into the story of modern sculpture in the United States. Direct carving - in which the sculptors themselves carve stone or wood with mallet and chisel - must be recognized as something more than just a technique. Implicit in it is an aesthetic principle as well: that the medium has certain qualities of beauty and expressiveness with which sculptors must bring their own aesthetic sensibilities into harmony. For example, sometimes the shape or veining in a piece of stone or wood suggests, perhaps even DICTATES, not only the ultimate form, but even the subject matter.

Q: The word “dictates” is closest in meaning to _______.

A. reads aloud 

B. determines 

C. includes 

D. records

Câu 35: 

Despite the impression given by the recent WAVE of ticketing, this absurd state law is often overlooked. But every year, new cops issue a ticket to cyclists for riding outside the lane. It takes the Safe Transportation Organization a week or two to get them to stop.

Q: The word “wave” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _______.

A. motion 

B. rise 

C. protest 

D. pattern

Câu 36: 

Other people disagree. They say that uniforms are uncomfortable and unattractive. Most importantly, they say that when students wear uniforms, they can't express themselves with their clothes. Some students think uniforms can be attractive. Some school students make small changes to their uniforms because they want to look more fashionable. They use their uniforms as a way to express themselves. Some students try to attend the school with the best uniform. This is a different way to look at uniforms. An old tradition is turning into a new fashion.

Q: Why don't some people like uniforms?"

A. They're too expensive 

B. They're different at every school 

C. They aren't used in all countries 

D. They aren't attractive

Câu 37: 

Paragraph C. Electric cars are better than petrol cars in several ways. The biggest benefit is reduced pollution. In areas where there is a high percentage of electric cars, there is less pollution. But it is important to understand that electric cars still cause pollution. Remember that the electricity to power electric cars has to come from somewhere, which is most likely a power station. Unless these power stations run on solar or wind energy, they are most likely burning fossil fuels to make electricity. The second benefit of electric cars is a reduction in the dependence on foreign oil. There are several countries, including the United States, that don’t want to rely on oil coming from other countries to power their transportation systems. They want the power to come from within their country, and since electric cars can run on electricity from coal or nuclear power stations, there is less of a need to import oil.

Q: What is paragraph C about?

A. The reasons why electric cars are expensive 

B. Why governments don't like electric cars 

C. The good things about electric cars 

D. Electric cars in the past and now

Câu 38: 

In 1723 there arrived in Philadelphia a penniless young man, eager for work and for knowledge. As the years passed, this man, Benjamin Franklin, contributed greatly to his city and to his country. He became a printer and a publisher, and a learned man in many subjects. He also helped to spread learning by establishing a public library and by founding the American Philosophical Society, which is an important academy of great scholars to this day.

Q: When Franklin arrived in Philadelphia in 1723, he was _______.

A. rich 

B. well-off 

C. neither rich nor poor 

D. very poor

Câu 39: 

Diana first started work as a sales assistant in a department store. Today owns a fashionable shoe shop called Put it On. The shoes are sold at a very high price but the customers continue to pour into the shop. Most of her customers do not like mass-produced local shoes. 

Diana has to travel abroad to buy well-made shoes of different designs. In fact she goes on buying trips every now and then. Next week Diana will go to Europe to look at the latest designs. 

Now the her shop is doing well, Diana is planning to open branches of her shop in other parts of the country. After that she will decide whether to extend her business to other countries in the region.

Q: There were _______ customers coming to Diana's shoe shop despite its high price.

A. a lot of 

B. some 

C. few 

D. plenty of

Câu 40: 

The inventor of the instant camera is Edwin Land. He had been the head of Polaroid Corporation for decades. During that time, he provided a lot of ideas leading to the development of many innovative products. The first Polaroid hand camera was marketed in 1948. It proved to be popular. About five million dollars worth of the cameras were sold in the first year. Since then, these cameras have been improved and refined. Altogether, more than a hundred million Polaroid cameras have been bought by the public. 

Q: We are now in the year 2008. Polaroid has been in the market for _______ years.

A. 68 

B. 71 

C. 70 

D. 60

Câu 45: Only a small percentage of Internet information is restricted to subscribers or other authorized users. The majority of Web pages are available to _______ who can access a computer that connects to the Internet."

A. no one 

B. everyone 

C. someone 

D. anyone

Câu 46: You can make life more difficult for thieves by _______ your wallet in an inside pocket instead of back pocket. But make sure that you still have it if someone bumps into you in a market."

A. taking 

B. holding

C. carrying 

D. bringing

Câu 47: Since the dawn of civilization, dance has been an important part of life, and dance researchers struggle to identify the first evidence of dance as it has always been an intrinsic part of human _______.

A. behaved 

B. behavious 

C. behaving 

D. behaviour

Câu 48: One of the most popularly used reference books is a dictionary, which provides information about words. It lists meanings, spelling, _______ how a word is pronounced."

A. speaks 

B. tells 

C. says 

D. gives

Câu 49: These buildings are used extensively for State ceremonies and Official entertaining and are opened to the _______ as much as these commitments allow.

A. humans 

B. public 

C. peoples 

D. strangers

Câu 50: 

Greenpeace won fame for its exploits calculated to attract media attention to environmental issues. Greenpeace members in rubber rafts have _______ whaling expeditions by positioning themselves between the whales and hunters' harpoons."

A. rocked 

B. reflected 

C. disrupted 

D. revealed

Vì tiếng Anh không có đề cương như nghiệp vụ nên rất khó để các bạn có thể định hướng ôn tập như nào cho đúng cách. Vì vậy, UB Academy giới thiệu tới các bạn khóa học tiếng Anh ôn thi nâng ngạch BIDV, giúp bạn ôn tập hiệu quả, tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức. 

Với khóa học ôn thi tiếng Anh nâng ngạch lên chuyên viên BIDV này, bạn sẽ: 

  • Được tổng hợp nội dung kiến thức một cách đầy đủ, có hệ thống
  • Luyện và chữa đề thi sát với thực tế.
  • Học các mẹo làm bài siêu hay, nâng cao cơ hội đỗ cho bạn. 
  • Thời gian học tập linh hoạt, có giảng viên hỗ trợ trực tiếp và tận tình. 

Đăng ký tư vấn để UB Academy có thể tư vấn và xây dựng lộ trình học tập phù hợp với bạn nhất nhé.